Curation, edit and design of a reader about immigration as an individual experience.
"Sfat Em" (native tongue, "mother's tongue" in Hebrew) displays texts, poems and art from writers and artists that have immigrated to Israel themselves, or are second generation to immigrants from various places of origin. The book creates a meeting point for accounts of various immigration experiences and shows the difference and the resemblances of the faces of this phenomena.
"Sfat Em" (native tongue, "mother's tongue" in Hebrew) displays texts, poems and art from writers and artists that have immigrated to Israel themselves, or are second generation to immigrants from various places of origin. The book creates a meeting point for accounts of various immigration experiences and shows the difference and the resemblances of the faces of this phenomena.
Measurements: 115 mm x 165 mm

Book Design Course, 2020-2021, Bezalel Academy